Sunday, January 6, 2019

Family Blessings

Grammy, we wish you the sweetest and most wonderful birthday ever.  Your appreciation of beauty, and goodness, your kindness and thoughtfulness bring strength to all of us. I hope that when I am 88 I am a lot like you.  I always think of you with respect and love. I know that you love each of my kids and the grandkids and I couldn’t ask for more. You consistently give  encouragement, good advice, help and concern for each of us.  Here’s to a good year ahead!! Yesterday I looked through all of the lovely cards you have sent us for the last few years, and was so blessed by all of the good wishes you gave to us along with one very cool story that you sent to Gary when you gave him the gift of a new bicycle.  If it is okay, I would love to share that with the others in the family. It is so good! We love you!!


  1. Esther your hair looks really pretty

    1. Hi Chris! Thank you, it was luckily behaving well first thing that morning! ;)

  2. Chris, ask Grammy if it is okay to share the letter she wrote to Gary ... it tells about her adventures as a young girl riding bicycles. Thanks!
